Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Mandatory Science Fair Season

It is that season again that always brought so much dread to us and other parents. Mandatory Science Fair! Regardless of whether or not the student wanted to participate, they had to participate under penalty of all sorts of negative consequences for failure to comply. I always wondered, both as a parent of two kids who wanted nothing to do with it as well as an employee of the school district, how many kids were totally turned off of science because they absolutely had to do the fair each year.

Unlike a lot of parents who seemed to feel they had to do it for their kids with money and adult talent, we stayed out of the way and let the kids develop their projects on their own.  We provided the tools and resources and let them develop the project.

Sheryl Todd and the good folks of Tapir and Friends Animal Store have some items that might help with the science fair this year. Check out the Brain Cell, as well as the lifecycle of Monarch Butterfly and Green Bean kits among other items.

Good luck!

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