Thursday, July 09, 2015

Bill Crider's Pop Culture Magazine: Paradise Sky -- Joe R. Lansdale

Bill Crider's Pop Culture Magazine: Paradise Sky -- Joe R. Lansdale: Once upon a time, back in the early '80s, a group of us at AggieCon would sit on some uncomfortable couches in a second-floor hallway in...

1 comment:

Kevin R. Tipple said...

For comparison, in the early 80s I was a student at Richland Junior College and a student assistant as well for various programs on campus so that I could make a few bucks. While I never was at AggieCon and never had heard of it so I was never there, I also sat on a lot of uncomfortable furniture at Richland while I talked to other folks. It was also where I met Sandi and saw my first streaker. Not at the same time as Sandi took quite awhile to warm up to the awesomeness known as Tipple.