Saturday, July 04, 2015

Sandi is Home

Mid afternoon today I brought Sandi home after she finished this round of her chemo. In addition to sailing through the chemo with no issues at all which allowed them to speed up the drugs into her, she has not been nauseated since mid afternoon Thursday, has not run a fever since then, has had zero shakes, and a little bit of night sweats Thursday night. None since then. She is still coughing a little bit, but that has also greatly improved since chemo was started again Thursday.

While all this is good news for her immediate health and well being, it also means that the diagnosis that her symptoms the last couple of weeks were not viral croup related and instead were due to the cancer running crazy and unchecked in her body is most likely correct. On the flip side of that, the way she has reacted also means that the chemo is at least somewhat effective---still--against her cancer despite the break caused by the viral croup.So, it is a bit of a mixed bag because while it is good, what all this implies is and was happening to her is not so good.

One more small piece of god news and one she really needed--- Sandi is back crocheting this evening as the pain in her hands which was just agony for her much of the week has lessened considerably in the last 24 hours. Crocheting is something she loves to do and can do by feel when here eyesight periodically goes so bad she is virtually blind, so being able to do it again has helped her mood considerably. Hopefully, this will hold.

We are supposed to call in Monday morning for an appointment so that she can get the post chemo shot asap as well as do the usual blood work and office visit.

In the meantime, she hopes to be well enough tonight that she can sit outside around dusk and see the fireworks fly skyward  thanks to the annual show put on by the Gleneagles Country Club a few blocks away. Every year since 1987 when we moved to this complex we have never had to leave home to see the fireworks or feel the concussive blast that some make as they rattle the windows and buildings around here. It is always a pretty cool show even when you can't hear the music. Hopefully they will be doing it one more time later this evening.

10 PM UPDATE--- The fireworks flew and Sandi was able to come outside and see them.


mybillcrider said...

Latch onto the good news and ignore the rest. The good part sounds really good.

Kevin R. Tipple said...

It is, Bill, and I am trying very hard not to think about all the rest.

Elizabeth said...

Good news & I'm glad she was able to enjoy the fireworks.

Maureen Harrington said...

God bless. I hope things continue to go well. Glad you both got to watch the fireworks.

Kaye George said...

I'm glad to read about Sandi crocheting and that you and she enjoyed the fireworks. Around my house, we take one day at a time. I'm glad that was a good day.