Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Foot Update


As some folks already know, I woke up Sunday morning around six in a lot of pain with the outside of my left foot swollen and bruised looking. I had no memory of doing anything to my foot. By that afternoon, I was in such pain that I very seriously considered going to ER. I have very limited feeling in my feet so I knew something bad was wrong to be hurting like I was. I also did not want to go and already had what was supposed to be a routine office visit with the podiatrist scheduled for today.


By yesterday, the pain level was lower, as was the swelling, and I felt a little better about not trying to go to the ER.


Well, the news sucks.  X-Rays were done and the foot got manipulated a bit and that hurt like holy heck. Diagnosis-- Some tendon that runs from the back of the leg and under the ankle and then along the side of the foot is massively inflamed and on the edge of rupture. I may also have small stress fractures. If I do, they will not show up on x-rays too well, and there is so much fluid and inflammation there is not much point in trying an MRI right now. The assumption is that I have them too.


I am now booted for when I am up and walking around. The frigging boot is huge and very heavy and makes walking with my cane way harder. Thankfully, I don’t have to sleep with it.


I have to go back in two weeks.


Assuming the boot works and I don’t rupture the thing in the meantime, which apparently could easily happen, I am going to have to do multiple weeks of physical therapy. How long? Don’t know yet. Depends on how I heal, time, and all that.


Been a brutally expensive couple of months just in medical bills and I am sick of being in medical places and being a complex patient.


Ben Boulden said...

That sounds terrible. I'm sorry, Kevin.

JJ Stickney said...

Hang in there Kevin

Kevin R. Tipple said...

Thank you. I am a very unhappy camper.

Kevin R. Tipple said...


E.J. Copperman said...

Oof! So sorry to hear it, Kevin!

Kevin R. Tipple said...

Thanks. And I don't even have a cool story to tell about how it all happened. "Waking Up With It" after a day of sitting around watching college football is very lame.

TracyK said...

Oh my, Kevin, I had not heard. This sounds so bad and so uncomfortable, and on top of all the other problems you have had. I am so sorry that you have to put up with this. It puts my minor complaints in perspective.

Kevin R. Tipple said...

Thanks, TracyK. It seriously sucks. Discovered this evening that the stupid boot is cutting off my circulation and making the leg, above the boot, swell. That is not good--especially when one is a cardiac patient. So, the boot is off and legs are elevated to try and address that crap. Blah.

Jerry House said...

Computer problems prevented me from commenting earlier and sympathizing. Consider yourself properly sympathized at now. I have had bad things happen to my body in the past and it truly sucks. There are too many negative things happening in this world for me to consider and I don't like having to worry about you to add to my problems, so heal well and heal quickly, my friend.

Kevin R. Tipple said...

Sorry about the computer problems, Jerry. Had some yesterday and Scott was able to figure out what the latest update had done and fixed it. Sorry to add to the burden. I am trying. It is not going well.