Monday, January 31, 2005

New Plans: Same Dream

Kevin’s Corner

Welcome back to Kevin’s Corner. As many of you know, Randy and Jean have sold their palatial mansion and are moving to France. I would like to, as I have privately, wish them well in their journey to their new home. I remain amazed at the sheer idea of moving half a world away. An apartment across town is one thing but this is ridiculous! Anyway, they have promised to keep in touch by the wonder known as the World Wide Web and I am counting on it.

As I noted last time, my fiction work just didn’t sell last year. There could be a variety of reasons for that from not sending out enough to markets not recognizing talent when they see it (stop laughing) to anything else I want to blame. The sad truth is, for whatever reason, I didn’t sell which is a hard pill to swallow. Again.

That isn’t to say that the dream is dead. According to some of the editors I worked with last year who went way beyond the call of duty and ditched the form letter rejection, there is talent to be mined. It is rough, it is ugly and it needs work. A lot of work. Which is somewhat discouraging because in a sense after all the health issues I have had the last few years, it almost feels like I am starting over writing wise. But, if work needs to be done, than it must be done. I have stories to tell and they must see the light of day.

Besides the wife says that if I don’t write and sell my mood is worse than watching the Cowboys lose on Sunday. Screams of rage aren’t a good thing she says. So, in that spirit, I have decided to make a few changes in the context of the New Year and all that.

First, I am cutting down on my review work. I am nearly caught up now with all the books I had accepted previously for review. There are so many books out there and I am really bad about telling folks no. I intend to make some exceptions here and there but I am cutting way back on the commitments for review. Instead of focusing so much on other’s words, it is time to focus on my own.

Second, I have joined a local writers group. I can’t drive too well these days so transportation there may become an issue. But the intent and willingness is there and time will tell about the other.

Third, I blew the dust off the novel project and got back to work on it. It has languished far too long and the voices had gone silent. But after steady work the last two weeks, they seem to be waking up. They are groggy and incoherent, as am I in the morning, but that just means we work well together.

And lastly, I’m working on my short stories again. Yes, I know the real money is to be made in the novel area (and I do need money) but some ideas just fit the short story format. A couple of things are bouncing around in the old brainpan and thanks to a cyber friend; I have quite a bit of work to do on an existing piece.

So there you have it, my writing plans for the New Year. Workable and though I’m sure I will have setbacks, I’m not giving up yet. More next time and as always feel free to drop me a note at with your comments, observations, and suggestions.

Thanks for reading!

Kevin R. Tipple © 2005


  1. I can't empathize with your feelings about the Cowboys, but I get the rest of it. I have been in several very nice novel grooves, but the between groove time has been...well, not great. I've found writing short stories--even just a single story--can be a satisfying and efficient way to get the writing chops back. They're not a path to fame and riches, but they are a lot of fun.

  2. Thanks for reading and commenting, Megan. As you can tell, I'm in one of those out of the groove and flopping around kind of times. Trying to work my way back slowly but surely.

