Saturday, July 09, 2005

An Entertaining Read

Kevin’s Corner

Books released straight to mass market paperback suffer a cruel fate by reviewing standards at most sites and periodicals. They simply aren’t reviewed. Much like “direct to video” in the movie industry, such books are considered as to be unworthy of a review and thus aren’t covered. As my work over the years as well as my thoughts when I have commented on the subject should make clear, I don’t care which publisher put the book into print or how it arrived. I just want a good story worth reading. Author Brian Pinkerton certainly delivers while working a premise all too real for parents.

Every parent’s nightmare comes alive in this novel titled “Abducted” which also provides one very good read. Returning home from a night out celebrating her decision to leave her corporate job and be a stay at home mom for their young son, Anita and her husband Dennis Sherwood are immediately concerned. Not only is the nanny’s car missing from the usual spot at the curb outside their home, but also the house is silent when they enter. Their nanny does not meet them and a quick check confirms Tim is not in his crib as he was just a couple of hours earlier. Not only are Pam and Tim both missing, so too is the cash that Dennis had hidden in a drawer.

The police become involved and Pam quickly makes clear that she has no intention of giving the child back. Pam has betrayed their trust and is convinced that no matter the outcome, she has done the right thing. Powerless to stop her, Anita can only stand by as the unthinkable happens and her world comes crashing down with drastic repercussions for everyone.

This engaging read quickly becomes a roller coaster ride of emotion as the reader is pulled into Anita’s world. A world where few can be trusted, even those she had always counted on, to help her search for her child against all odds. Betrayal is a strong theme of the work as well as justice and both run heavily throughout the work.

However, while those themes are clear and covered, they do not make the novel a heavy or complex read. Instead, the action-oriented storyline propels the work forward and keeps the reader entertained as the pages go by. Interesting characters, fast pacing, and plenty of twists and turns make this book a fun summer read.

By Brian Pinkerton
Leisure Books
ISBN 0-8439-5331-4
Mass Market Paperback
341 Pages
$6.99 US
$8.99 Canada

More next time and as always feel free to drop me a note here or at with your comments, observations, and suggestions.

Thanks for reading!

Kevin R. Tipple © 2005

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