Wednesday, January 25, 2006

It Was In The Cards

Kevin’s Corner

I know better. I should be working on my own stuff. I have the support of a great group that I meet with every month and right now I have nothing for the next session. There is the ongoing novel project that, in some senses, is sinking under its own weight like an SUV in a marsh. Despite the group consensus after reading nine chapters that, though it needs work and I should definitely not scrap it all and start over, I keep thinking I should.

Then, there is the ongoing short story situation. A number of contests are closing out at the end of the month and I keep thinking I should whip something up and enter each one. All are free which is great and all have intriguing premises. But, nothing is coming through the murk of my mind that would fit any of the contests let alone start a story.

I also recently found a number of stories that I had thought had been thrown out in the trash long ago. In fact, one of them made the rounds of the group last time and I got a lot of great advice that I should put to work. I also have some material to study and an offer from a friend to help with a kind of story I have never written before. So, I have plenty of projects to work on and I should be working on them right now. Logically, I know all that. I’m just not inspired to do any of it and haven’t been for weeks.

This is not good.

Yes, I know the old mantra about inspiration and how professionals don’t wait to feel motivated to write. Well, good for them. It does not work that way for me. I’m bummed and that is all there is to it. And yes, while I have lots of good excuses as to why I haven’t written much beyond the occasional review here and there and my monthly column for Senior News, none of them really matter. The bottom line is I am violating the fundamental rule of rear in the chair and fingers on the keyboard.

No doubt in a few hours I will be violating it again today and for most of the day. It just is too damn nice to be inside. As you know, Texas and especially North Texas is experiencing a severe drought. Lake levels are way down and water conservation measures are underway with more measures planned for implementation by the end of next month. Most of the days the skies have been clear and temperatures have been much higher than normal. It was 69 officially yesterday though I think we were warmer that that and sunny. So, it is just too nice to sit inside cooped up in front of a computer monitor. Not when bass are moving in the creek, trees are budding, and the occasional hornet comes winging by to annoy.

I knew my fate for the day was sealed when a small package arrived via the postal service bearing the name of author David Skibbins. If you missed his first novel “Eight of Swords” you ought to take a look at it. I was very happy to review it positively as I thought then and still do, that his character, Warren Ritter, had real potential for a series. In that novel, Ritter, who among other things reads the tarot, gets himself involved in a kidnapping and murder case and because of his links to a violent past involving the protests of the 60’s becomes a suspect. I’m oversimplifying greatly here the plot of that novel, but suffice it to say that it earned my good stuff seal of approval.

I knew another installment was underway and was supposed to be out this spring. So, I was very pleasantly surprised to open the small package and find an ARC for his latest, “High Priestess.” In this one, the past comes back once again to mess with Ritter, as an old girlfriend and her brother become the target for a serial killer. They want his help and have no problem using his past against him. I’m a little more than halfway through and enjoying it immensely. I’m not enjoying the sunburn I got on my face nearly as much though the boys seem to really like the raccoon eyes effect of the fact that I was wearing my sunglasses.

I have a feeling I won’t get much writing done today either. The porch is calling.

More next time and as always feel free to drop me a note here or at with your comments, observations, and suggestions.

Thanks for reading!

Kevin R. Tipple © 2005

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