Saturday, September 09, 2006

Satire and Crime in "ARTRAGE" by Everett Aison

“Van Zant closes his folder and looks at Mace, who remains silent
and impassive.
‘A blue-collar kid who makes it as a top lawyer and a serious
collector. . . trashes a forty-one million dollar Picasso. Mr. Carlson,
you are on the cutting edge of inconsistency.’” (Page 24)

There is no question that Mace Carlson did the shocking crime. The hard part is the why. Also hard is the fact that in this review, it really isn’t possible to say what the crime was without blowing the book. Even though, for the reader, the crime happens early on, to know in advance the specifics of the crime would remove some of the shock value. Suffice it to say that the crime is intense and no humans or animals were hurt by it.

Emotions are something else entirely. Mace’s action propels him into a prolonged stay at the Rothko Suite of the New York Police Department’s Art Crime Unit. With much of his time spent in solitary confinement, he has a lot of time to contemplate his action. He also has plenty of time to contemplate how his action has affected others including the son of his former lover. His case provides the fodder for a media firestorm as his action becomes a polarizing statement for both sides in the art world.

Part satire, part crime novel, the resulting read is a mesmerizing book that pulls readers along at a frantic pace. Occasionally, very graphic in terms of language, this is a novel that considers the current art world and finds things less than satisfactory. Rich in depth and character, the novel works on all levels and as a result is a very good read I wish I had read sooner.

Book Details:

Everett Aison
Pleasure Boat Studio: A Literary Studio
Large Trade Paperback
ISBN# 1-929355-25-4

More next time and should you have a comment, suggestion or idea, please comment here or e-mail me directly at Thanks for reading!

Kevin R. Tipple © 2006

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