Saturday, January 12, 2008

That Time Of Year

If you are on a lot of lists like I am (yet another way to avoid writing my own stuff) you have noticed that a lot of folks are talking about their favorite books of the past year. On one list, some posters are collecting the information to develop some sort of master ten best list that is supposed to be reflective of the readership.

Well, whatever.

See, I don't put much stock in these sorts of deals like I don't follow with baited breath the latest political polling numbers. I don't believe them. If you are into them then by all means go for it. It just isn't for me. Because I have to admit something.

Reading and reviewing is not a totally objective deal for me and I bet it isn't for anyone else either. What is happening in my life and the mood I am in has some influence on my reading and ultimately the review. It can't be helped. It is what it is and as such, what I could really like at one point in the year may not strike such a responsive cord at another.

So, for me, they are pretty much worthless. But, that is just me. If you like such things then by all means enjoy and have fun.

Kevin R. Tipple © 2008

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