Thursday, March 13, 2008

Publication News

As soon as I know the exact date the anthology will hit bookstores and the like, I will share. I have received word tonight that things have progressed well and volume 2 of a certain series is about to be published. I have a rather quirky tale in the book, even by my standards. Despite my well known aversion to horror the story could be considered horror.

I'm very tickled about this because this publication marks the first anthology I was invited to submit something and subsequently my work was accepted. While I have been invited to submit several times to different things, what I write isn't easily categorized. As such, my work often doesn't fit the unstated guidelines an editor has in mind. That wasn't the case here and in fact, my weirdness was supported fully by the editor.

Anyway, I will post more soon when I know all the details completely but this is a nice ending to what has been a hard week.

Kevin R. Tipple (c) 2008


  1. Congrats. Will be waiting to hear the date.

  2. Thanks. As soon as I know for sure.....
