Friday, September 05, 2008

Another Market Closes

BJ Borg posted this earlier today.....

My parish took a beating from Hurricane Gustav and there is a lot to do before we get back to normal. I was already behind with MFOB because of my two jobs, and this will just put things out of reach for me, so I'm forced to close MFOB indefinitely. If things settle down at some point in the far away future, I may go back to publishing it, but, as for now, I have no choice but to shut it down.

The stories that have already been published will remain archived for at least two years (unless writers request to have their stories or poems removed), because that's how far in advance I'd purchased the hosting.

To all the authors whose stories were accepted but did not make it to publication, I'm sincerely sorry. I'm an author, not an editor, and I know what it feels like to have a story accepted, but then never make it to publication. I cannot put into words how terrible I feel about doing that to all of you.

I still owe money to some of the writers whose stories I've already published and reimbursements to some subscribers of the print publication. While I can't give a definite time frame, I can assure all of you that you will be paid.

I'm sorry this is brief, but I'm on dial-up on a laptop and in the middle of getting the roof on my house rainproof. I just wanted everyone to know what was going on with MFOB as soon as I knew.

All the best to everyone,

BJ Bourg

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