Sunday, March 22, 2009

Reviewing: "New Concepts in Paper Quilling: Techniques for Cards & Gifts" by Marie Browning

Over 127 pages long this book tells readers as much as possible about the intricate art of quilling. Quilling is defined in the introduction as "…the art of rolling very thin strips of paper into scroll shapes and creating artistic designs with the various shapes, which are glued onto a base. Quilling is also known as paper filigree or paper scroll work." (Page 8) After a 2 page intro about the history of quilling, there is a seven page section on the "Basic Supplies, Tools," as well as "The Quilling Technique" and "Basic Quilled Shapes." Clearly, one needs steady hands and plenty of dexterity to purse this craft.

Page 18 begins the patterns with "Making Fringed Flowers." Along with a list of basic supplies needed and instructions are three pictures depicting three different types of flower. "Making Swirl Flowers" follows next along with "Shaping Paper" and "Husking."

Readers move on to "Card Art" which begins on page twenty eight. This is the main theme of the book and the chapter is over sixty pages long with numerous card projects for any occasion. Instructions for how to make the matching gift tags are included in many of these designs and plans. One would have to have the technique for the various elements or shapes down and be fairly confident in one's ability before pursuing any of these designs as they are complicated.

So to are the "Zinnia Containers" or "Wedding Tin" or the "Flower Place Markers" found in the next chapter titled "Home Décor & Gift Projects." Featuring nine projects over twenty six pages, the complexity and skill level remains high. The intricate designs are beautiful as depicted and the text is clear and informative. But, again, clearly one needs a lot of practice to make these fragile works of art.

An eight page final chapter covers various "Jewelry Projects" such as "The Fringed Flower Pendent" or "Heart Pendant." This is the shortest chapter with only five plans depicted. That chapter leads readers into a small metric conversion chart and index.

While colorful and a very informative book, Quilling is clearly not simple to do. This book is not, despite the introduction, designed with the novice in mind. Instead it is more for the advanced Quiller who has experience in developing the many different shapes. On that level, it is a very good book. For the novice, it won't be much help, if at all.

New Concepts in Paper Quilling: Techniques for Cards & Gifts
Marie Browning
Sterling Publishing CO.
ISBN# 1-4027-3510-3

This book was provided by the good folks of the Plano, Texas Library System. According to budget projections recently reported in the local media, the library system is facing over a million dollars in cuts for the new fiscal year. These are tough times for libraries as those making the budgets often look to libraries to cut even though traffic is usually at record levels. Support your local library.

Kevin R. Tipple © 2009

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