Saturday, March 06, 2010

What a cover should look like!

They say don't judge a book by its cover, but anyone who ever worked in a bookstore will tell you book covers influence book buyers. More than jacket copy, paid for blurb ads on the back cover, book covers move books. Recently, Milton T. Burton dropped me a note about his latest book, "Nights Of The Red Moon" and told me he now had the cover art. I had the pleasure of reading a rough draft of this one awhile back before it was sent to the publisher and it is quite possibly Milton's best book.

Which is not to say that the others, "The Rogues' Game" and "The Sweet And The Dead" aren't good. They are very good. But, "Nights Of The Red Moon" is better. Sort of a cross between what Bill Crider does and what James Lee Burke does the novel just pulls you into a swirling storm of mystery and deceit.

Anyway, the cover art is done and incredibly good. If you surf over to Milton's Blog found at you can take a look for yourself. You can also read part of Chapter One of the book that is the start of a new series.

If you aren't reading Miton T. Burton's stuff, you are really missing out.


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