Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fun Thing

to waste some time on. There is a new deal called "I Write Like" which will take some of any text you have written, analyze it, and tell you who you write like. So, I took the first page and half of my novel and got:

I write like
William Gibson

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

So, for grins, I took my most recent review that was on the cozy mystery "Devils Island" by Carl Brookins and got:

I write like
J. D. Salinger

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

What does it all mean? Is it remotely accurate?

Heck, if I know. But, it is kind of fun to do and it could easily get addictive because I bet each piece of my fiction as well as most of my reviews would generate vastly different authors than the two examples above. The site is at should you be son inclined to try it.



  1. I subjected my novel to the analysis and it said I wrote like JRR Tolkein.

    I suspect it focuses more on words used than patterns.

    Still, an interesting enough program.

  2. I wonder if we can use this sort of thing for our queries? lol

  3. Kevin,

    I submitted one of my reviews, and the site's verdict was Vladimir Nabokov.

    The 'analysis' of one of my short stories was Edgar Allan Poe.

    Of doubtful accuracy, but, as you said, fun.

  4. One of my reviews was 'like' Vladimir Nabokov. The verdict on one of my short stories was Edgar Allan Poe.

    Accurate? Doubtful; but fun.

  5. I am going to take some my other stuff, Larry and see who it comes up with. Could be interesting. :))

  6. I am going to take some my other stuff, Larry and see who it comes up with. Could be interesting. :))
