Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday's Forgotten Books: "Cruel Cuts" by John Richard Lindermuth

For this week’s Friday’s Forgotten Books hosted by Patti Abbott, I have selected Cruel Cuts written by John Richard Lindermuth. Years ago, I first read this book back when I reviewed books for the CrimeandSuspense zine run by Tony Burton. Unfortunately the run was all too short and the zine has been no more for quite a long time now. But, this book is still available and still very much worth your time.
 Living in a small town means everyone knows your business. It also means that virtually everyone is a suspect when something heinous is going on. That was the case twelve years ago when letters harassing Charles Edward Kline known as "Chick" to one and all surfaced. No one was caught then and no one is a real suspect now in the current letter campaign.

What is being alleged now is a lot more serious. According to the letters Chick, now a successful small town attorney and twenty-six years old, is killing and mutilating animals and livestock in the area during the night hours. While some may believe the letters, others like retired police chief Dan "Sticks" Hetrick don't. Neither does Flora Vastine, an officer new to the force who unluckily found the most recent animal killing/mutilation.

Combining the threads of a disturbing mystery, domestic violence and at least two potential romances, this second novel in the series from author J. R. Lindermuth weaves a complex and very enjoyable cozy read full of murder, deceit and greed. Along the way he provides a revealing glimpse into a small town with characters just as real as your neighbors next door. Take the journey to Swatara Creek, Pennsylvania and you won't be sorry.

Cruel Cuts
By J. R. Lindermuth
Whiskey Creek Press
ISBN# 1-59374-910-4
Large Trade Paperback
243 Pages

Kevin R. Tipple © 2007, 2011

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