Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Unhappy Anniversaries

Today is another 15th of the month. Today marks 11 months since all the health stuff started for me. Little did I know last March when I was woken up with my leg and foot burning, muscle cramped up, and all the rest of it that I would be sitting here jobless and waiting on social security disability and food stamp cases, etc. 11 months later.

A former coworker whom I had not heard from in months (much like everyone else I ever worked with) e-mailed me yesterday. She said she hoped things were getting better. Obviously, she does not read this blog. :))

I briefly let her know that things are not getting better as they are not. The sad truth is I can see the slide downhill a little bit more each month.

But, nearly a year later, I am still here. And finally, I am back working on my own stuff a little bit here and there. So the adjustment to the new normal continues......


  1. Just keep trying and hopefully things will take a turn for the better.
