Thursday, April 07, 2011


Had our interview about food stamps and don't know yet if we are approved. However, because Texas looks only at income levels and does NOT include expenses like rent, utilities, etc, I have been denied Medicaid. Seems my wife's part time cashier job means she makes too much for me to qualify for Medicaid.

Since I am getting slowly worse with the issue spreading into both hands, it would have been nice to be able to go see a doctor.


  1. Aren't there any kind of free clinics that you can go to there? Here there are several - you might have to pay a minimum of $2.00 or $3.00 but you would see a doctor.

  2. Not that I am aware of.

  3. Kevin, surely you qualify for SOMETHING! Good heavens, there has to be some system in place to help you. My friend here was declared "indigent" locally and was able to have needed surgery.

    I'll have my daughter investigate. She is good at it. LOL

  4. the state says no. Collin County has defined "indigent" as somebody making less than 100 dollars a month.

    Turn her loose. I am tired, discouraged, and hurting so bad I just can't do any more.
