Sunday, May 15, 2011

Thank You

Today marks fourteen months since everything went haywire.  In fourteen brutal and painful months I have been fired from my job because I could not physically do it, lost my insurance, had two spinal injections that did nothing to help, had my credit get trashed, been unnecessarily sued by a third party collection agency d/b/a ALLEN ADKINS & ASSOCIATES  on behalf of CITIBANK (the ONLY creditor that refused to work with me), filed for Social Security Disability and food stamps, and been forced to beg for money to pay the rent, etc. amidst a host of other related problems.

Whatever was wrong that began in the early morning hours of March 15, 2010 has now spread into my arms and hands making typing hard most days and impossible on others. Not to mention the falls, my having to use a cane to walk and all the rest of it. A lot of things I can’t do anymore, at least for now, and what is left takes a lot longer to do.

But, I am still here and hanging in. Because I started talking about what I am going through and the toll it has taken and is still taking on my family, I have gotten support from folks far and wide. It has constantly amazed me how many folks actually do care. Despite the cynicism often expressed in the media regarding what humans do to each other on a daily basis, there are lots of folks out there quietly doing their own thing in so many positive ways. A vast online world exists where many, many folks I have never physically met have written and expressed their support in so many ways.

It seems fitting to once again say those two little words that mean so much and at the same time don’t begin to cover the feeling---thank you.


  1. we'll be rooting for you. bad spells rarely last forever. hang on in there.

  2. This hasn't been a good week here either. My sister went to the hospital and passed away on Thursday. Hope things begin to get better and your wife isn't in a lot of pain.

  3. I am so sorry, Pat. Puts our deal in real context.
