Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Anniversaries and Such

15 full months. That is how long it has now been since everything went sideways for me health wise. 15 months since March 15, 2010 when I woke up with my left leg horribly swollen and with what I thought at the time was an excruciating muscle cramp. It foretold something far more serious that would change my life radically and still causes major life impacts now. It is an anniversary I could do without.

There is one anniversary that I could not do without.

26 Years. 26 years ago on a day that was almost hot in Boston as it will be here today, I married my wife Sandi in a small church in the Boston area. The same church her parents had been married in many years earlier. After she made sure one last time that the pesky  “obey” clause was stricken from the service, we were married.

I still think it should have been kept as it would have made things a lot simpler. And quieter.

In sickness and in health. For richer and for poorer.

Unfortunately, there has been a whole lot of sickness and poorer. 26 years later finds us on foodstamps and both of us can barely walk. We still don’t know when her surgery is as the doctor folks and insurance company are still working on it. Our sons are 23 and 17 and the youngest starts his Senior Year in about 10 weeks. While those we know of are on their second and in some cases third marriages, we are still together despite everything.

The vows meant the world back then and they still do today. While I would change some things that happened over the last 26 years, I’d still marry her in a heartbeat.

Even if she won’t obey.

That is what they make stun guns for.


  1. I hope the good anniversary is as happy as you and Sandi can possibly make it under your present trying circumstances, my friend.

    The other anniversary is one I'm sorry you have to acknowledge, let alone continue to endure the pain of.

  2. Both are done quietly at home.

  3. Happy "good" anniversary. And you are so funny with the stun gun.

  4. Thank you, Fiona.

    No doubt it would be taken away and used on me.


  5. A long marriage, such as 26 years, is more valuable that many things. It's something that cannot be purchased. It's earned through years of love and dedication.

    Strangely 'obey' was not in the wedding vows my wife and I took. Yep, I didn't have to say it either.

  6. Obey was not in my part either, Terry. But, the chip implant seems to have taken care of that nicely.
