Saturday, September 24, 2011

Test Results and Other News

We have heard back from the doctor and Sandi’s cardiac results were okay. She has been cleared to go ahead and have the long awaited knee surgery that had been postponed because of money issues and then her strokes at the end of July.  We don’t know yet when the surgery will take place but at least she has now been cleared to have it done.

My son found this picture and helped me get it onto my computer yesterday evening. This was taken in May 2010 at Texas Woman's University up in Denton, Texas at Sandi’s graduation. This was about six weeks after Sandi had been hospitalized after she collapsed during a student teaching deal up in Frisco having suffered a heart attack and four strokes in quick succession. Since April 2010 she has had twelve additional strokes, not to mention the two or three she had the last weekend of July that put her back in the hospital. All the strokes have caused permanent brain damage so the doctors believe and have finally told her that she most likely will never be able to pass the state tests to teach.

Left to right are Scott, Karl and me. I had thrown the cane to one side and was hanging on for dear life hoping not to fall. If I had to do it over these days, the cane would have gone nowhere as I have not been able to do such things for quite some time now.

Having been denied again for Social Security disability despite the fact that I can’t walk or work as without seeing me, they believe I can somehow work, I will be spending most of the weekend when I can sit up copying the file and all the paperwork for congressman Sam Johnson.  His staff is now aware of my problem and requested more information to assist with my case.

This won’t matter unless we find the money to pay the rent so we can stay here, but I am trying to keep the faith and hope despite what appears to be an increasingly dire situation. Things do not look good at all.

I do want to say thank you to those folks who have Chipped In again.  We all appreciate it very much.



  1. Great picture. Your boys look great. Too bad all of you are having such hard times.

  2. I'm so sorry Kevin for all the problems you are dealing with now. I pray the government sees your situation and moves on this quickly. I don't understand how they can possibly think you are not eligible for disability insurance.

  3. Thank you, Lea. Been talking to the charities and other folks this morning and it looks like we are done here.
