Sunday, October 02, 2011

Recovery Mode

As a few folks already know, Sandi had her knee surgery yesterday morning. Once we realized Thursday morning we were safe rent wise another month thanks to numerous and much appreciated folks, we took advantage of a cancellation at the surgery center for Saturday morning. While her ACL and MCL were fine as expected, the doctor confirmed the fact that arthritis is very present on the knee and that the meniscus was pretty much gone. So he cleaned that out, poked little holes in what remained of her cartilage to help the new stuff bond in and build, and then pumped the joint full of the replacement stuff.

At this point, over all, she is doing pretty well. The anesthesia is not clearing from her lungs as well as it should be so she is using the inhaler they sent her home with as needed. Her pain level is down significantly from where it was pre-surgery. As I write this, she is comfortably using the CMP, a knee flexor machine, that manually bends and straightens her knee to prevent scar tissue and aid in moving the new stuff around in the joint.

So, she is doing really well and seems to be at a good place in her recovery mode.



  1. Glad to hear the good news.

  2. I am so glad to hear this, Kevin.

  3. Glad to share it, Bill.

  4. Happy to hear it. After undergoing a few surgeries myself in the last half dozen years, I can sympathize. Hope she's on the way to recovery and a lot of respite from such things.

  5. Me too, Randy. With the strokes and this knee deal, it has not been good lately for her.

  6. Great news. A step forward.

  7. I hope Sandi is back on her feet soon and smiling again. Please give her my best wishes.

  8. That it is, Pat...with or without crutches.

  9. Will do, Earl and thank you.

  10. Excellent news--and it's about time you guys had some! In fact, you're way overdue.

  11. So far, so good, Barry.
