Sunday, November 06, 2011

Homecoming 2011

Thanks to a wonderful and very generous teacher, our son, Scott, was able to go out with several friends to dinner and the homecoming dance last night. Just another reminder that while our youngest will always be our baby, the boy is rapidly growing up and moving onwards.

Scott holding court while waiting for his ride to arrive.....

.....hanging out and waiting......

.....and getting mugged by Dad.

Anyone with more than one child knows that whatever you do for or with one has to be done with the other one. In that spirit I mugged Karl too......

Big time thank you to a certain special teacher who made things possible for Scott last night.



  1. Great pictures and so glad he got to go. Do your kids ever pull that "I'm the Favorite?

  2. Sort of...Scott is convinced that Karl is the favorite. He isn't. But, Scott believes it to be true.

  3. Great pictures and great to see the boys so happy! What a fabulous teacher to make sure Scott made it to Homecoming. That rocks. I hope he had a blast!
