Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sandi in the Hospital

As some know, Sandi was admitted to a local hospital yesterday because she was having severe breathing problems.  At first there was massive concern that she had at least one blood clot, if not more, in her right lung as there were no breath sounds there.

According to x-rays and the CT Scan the real problem was that her right lung was completely full of fluid. If that was not enough, urine analysis indicates her kidneys seem to be having serious issues. So, they hospitalized her, drained two liters of fluid out of the right lung and gave her some heavy duty meds to work on the kidneys. They could have easily taken at least one more liter out of her right lung but if they take too much too soon the lung would collapse. So, they took what they could safely get late yesterday afternoon and will reevaluate what to do later today.

I was finally able to talk to her a few minutes ago and the news is a little better this morning. She has had breakfast, a shower, and been down to x-ray where they took another set of pictures of her chest. She is off the oxygen this morning. She says she feels a little better and can breathe a bit better with not as much pain as she had yesterday after they did the draining deal. She says that the x-ray tech would not tell her anything this morning (unlike the one yesterday) but she thinks that the fluid is probably at the same level it was after they drained things by the way she feels.

She expects to be coming home today. The doctor has not made his rounds yet so when or if that will happen is still unknown.


  1. Oh man, that is sad! She's put up such a tough fight. I feel sure she will pull through a-okay. We will keep her, and yoy guys, in our thoughts.

  2. thanks, Randy.

    She just called and said that they drained the fluid and her right lung is collapsing so they are about to insert a tube into her chest to inflate the lung. She wants me back down there now.

  3. Oh my gosh, Kevin. How scary. You're both in my prayers.

  4. Holy cow-this is too much, Kevin. My heart breaks for you and your family.

  5. Sending good karma your way, Kevin. Tell Sandi to hang in there.

  6. Thank you one and all...much appreciated. I will tell her when I go back to the hospital in the morning.

    I hope I am wrong but I think she will be in for a few days.

  7. Good grief. I hadn't seen this. I hope things turn out OK...

  8. Thank you, too.

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