Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Sandi Update

You can pretty much tell how things are around here by how much I am online and how quick I respond to e-mails. Or not.....especially the last three days. They warned us when this started that chemo would give Sandi flu like symptoms as well as a heaviness in her chest with chest pain among other things.Not something you want to hear when you have the kind of cardiac history she does.

The flu like stuff and chest pain deal started with a vengeance late Monday evening and has not let up yet. It seems to hit in waves that last several hours before it backs off a little bit for a short while and then hits her hard again. A heating pad on the back helps a little bit but not much. Whether it is all the chemo or something else bad is happening again we just don't know. Hopefully, as bad as it is, it is only the chemo doing its thing and not signs of something else.

She has an appointment in the morning for lab work and then a Dr. visit at the Hospital. Hopefully something can be prescribed so she feels a little better.



  1. Will be hoping the doctors can do something to make Sandi feel better.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hugs to all of you. I'm having a newly diagnosed relationship with cancer myself, but fortunately don't have to deal with brutal chemo. Hoping the doctor can mitigate Sandy's present distress.

    (Just removed an earlier version of this comment. Only meant to do a typo correction...)

  4. I'm sorry. I don't wish this relationship on anyone.

  5. Man. This can't be fun. Thinking of you guys and hoping Sandi feels better soon. I hope this is one of the "good" lymphomas.

  6. Thank you, Linda. One is supposed to be the "better" one to have if you have to have one while the other one is just flat out evil. With so much in her body of both the situation is pretty grim.
