Sunday, March 11, 2012

Review: "Nora 102 ½: A Lesson on Aging Well" by June Shaw

A certain author wrote long ago about how one should not go gently into the good night. Nora Shaw, mother of the author June Shaw, certainly did not go gently into that good night. Recently released through CreateSpace (Amazon’s self-publishing division) Nora 102 ½: A Lesson on Aging Well tells the story of Nora with special emphasis on her life after 60.

Widowed, the former teacher found a new way of living in her late years. Despite the fact that she was losing her eyesight, she became more and more active. Going to parties hosted by the Governor of Louisiana, going to weddings of her extended family, and in short having as much fun as possible despite the changes that were happening to her. Each adjustment she had to make was handled with class and dignity while she embraced the change and her new future.

At the same time the book is also about the immense changes in June Shaw’s life. On a professional level she became a published author but also on a personal level as the one in the family expected to deal with the challenges of an aging parent. Moving her mom into her own home was one of many changes she made out of love, duty, and family.

Filled with memories and reminisces Nora 102 ½: A Lesson on Aging Well chronicles the life of one family and the family matriarch who did not go gently into that good night. She took each setback as another minor hiccup to be overcome in stride and just kept on going. By example she showed how to not to stress over things that don’t matter, to cherish family, and to keep moving forward with new experiences and new opportunities. For Nora, life got really good in terms of energy and spirit after sixty and that keep her going for decade after decade.  More than anything, the 170 page read is the heartwarming story of one woman and the family that loves her.

Nora 102 ½: A Lesson on Aging Well
June Shaw
CreateSpace (division of Amazon)
October 2011
ISBN# 978-1466382701
Paperback (also available via Kindle)
170 Pages

Material supplied by the author in exchange for my objective review.

Kevin R. Tipple © 2012


  1. Thanks for posting your thoughts on this Kevin. Powerful words you've put forth: "how to not to stress over things that don’t matter, to cherish family, and to keep moving forward with new experiences and new opportunities." I probably won't read this book but needed to see these words. Proof that your reviews impact in intangible ways. My condolences on the loss of your father.

  2. Thank you, El.

    I am also incapable of not stressing over everything.
