Friday, April 13, 2012

FFB Review: "Breathe No More" by John D. MacDonald--Reviewed by Barry Ergang

Patti Abbott likes to do themes from time to time on Friday’s Forgotten Books. Her theme today is works by John D. Macdonald. As Patti noted, the author was known for, among other things, his short story work. Fittingly, Barry reviews one of his short stories today.

"Breathe No More" by John D. MacDonald

Reviewed by Barry Ergang

Writers who contributed to the pulp magazines had to be, above all else, able storytellers or they wouldn't see their efforts in print. Many of them were what I call "grinders," folks who could mechanically crank out competent but undistinguished stories to suit various markets in order to earn money to live on, with no thought of artistry. But there were also some conscious craftsmen who honed their skills in the pulp markets, writers who have since come to be regarded as serious and enduring artists whose work constitutes Literature with a capital L or something approaching it. Among these are Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, Ray Bradbury and--yes!--Tennessee Williams.  

John D. MacDonald is another from the latter group. Although for many years his novels were published as paperback originals by Fawcett during an era when "serious" writers' work initially appeared in hardcover editions, MacDonald was always well-received critically, considered one of America's finest storytellers and a man who had important things to say and insights to share.   

Primarily known as a novelist, he was no slouch in the short fiction department. "Breathe No More," reprinted in the 1982 collection The Good Old Stuff, and originally published under the title "Breathe No More, My Lovely" in the May 1950 issue of Detective Tales, is a good example. Its morally ambiguous protagonist is a quirky man of wealth named Park Falkner, who lives on a private island in Florida and who has a crew of investigators who look into cases that interest him. Falkner invites the principle figures in a given case, among other guests, to his island so as to expose them and dispense his particular brand of justice. In "Breathe No More," his plan backfires when one of the guests is murdered and another, a woman near and dear to Falkner, is put in jeopardy.

The story amply displays MacDonald's crisp, literate prose style, his sense of place and pace, and his skill in limning characters. Beyond this I'll say no more lest I spoil the story for readers unfamiliar with it.


Regular followers of Kevin's blog know that I've been selling off some of the books I've accumulated over many years. Among them are John D. MacDonald's novels starring Travis McGee, his "knight in slightly tarnished armor." Many were originally published in paperback, but when the series became enormously popular, the early titles were reissued in hardcover editions. Later titles came out in hardcover first. The McGee books I'm offering are all hardcovers, so if you have gaps in your collection you want to fill, want to own McGee titles in hardcover editions, or want to make your first acquaintance with a remarkable and popular fictional hero, please have a look at the scans and descriptions in the Mystery/Suspense section at  I also have a couple of issues of JDM Bibliophile available.

As buyers can attest (see, the books are as shown in the scans and descriptions, and I don't gouge buyers by inflating shipping costs. I charge only what postage and packaging materials, if any, cost me.

I contribute 20% of the price of purchased books to Kevin's fund, so if you're looking for something to read, here's a way to get it and help out a friend and his family at the same time.

Barry Ergang © 2012


  1. I enjoyed your review of BREATHE NO MORE. It's been decades since I've read it. But after reading your review, I wanted to drop everything and reread it!

  2. Thanks, George! I enjoyed Barry's review as well.

    I don't think I ever read the story or the collection. Rather annoying as I know I read his stuff but I don't remember this at all.
