Sunday, May 20, 2012

Breakdown City

Everybody has those days when one thing after another breaks down. This is our tale of woe…..

Earlier in the week one of the toilets started leaking. Not the best way to start the day at 6am by stepping into water all over the bathroom floor. Karl got the water shut off and we all got the water mopped up before it flooded elsewhere into our apartment or the neighbors. Took a couple of days but maintenance fixed that by replacing the water line into the toilet and putting a new bracket on it. So, the toilet once again worked.

Along Wednesday or so the stair case rail came off the wall in the midst of one my falls.  I think the rail gave way and helped cause my fall because the brackets snapped when I leaned on it. But, maybe I fell onto it first. Not really sure it all happened so quick but falling all over the stairs was not helpful. New brackets had to be installed and they were giving me something to hang onto on the stairs.

Wednesday the knob on the washer literally came off in Karl’s hand. That meant the washer was down and we had a ton of laundry to do. Maintenance came, put the knob back on, and discovered the water still would not come on. Parts, including a new circuit board, have now been ordered and are supposedly on the way. Meanwhile we remain washerless so some things got washed in the bathtub today and hung out on the rail outside to dry. I suggested to Sandi that we give the neighbors something else to talk about by flying a few of her bras off the rails but she declined and was not amused.

You know, when we were dating I used to be hilarious. Sandi often tells me now I am not funny. I have no idea what happened.

Friday the Verizon modem went out taking out the DSL connection and removing us from the internet. Karl still has a deal with T-Mobile since he has a cell phone with them so he came up with a workaround using some gizmo that is a “T-Mobile Hotspot” to get us back online though things are really slow and sporadic. In the meantime he talked to Verizon and they shipped in a new modem yesterday. The kid can’t read or write above second grade but he sure can talk tech with these guys!

So the modem arrives, instructions are followed, and we still have nothing. Made multiple attempts and still nothing at all. No point in calling anyone over the weekend as there is nothing they can or will do. It remains down, doing the same thing the other one did, so despite their assurances it was not the phone line and it was the modem, it looks like Verizon was wrong. This is not the first time we have had major issues with them and I am not a happy camper.

Neither is Sandi who was trying to update her blog today at which she was finally able to do. She also managed to get into her store at and lower some things again to try and raise some money. So, please take a look if you get a chance.

Finally and hopefully last thing---this afternoon I am sitting on the end of our bed and suddenly there is a huge crunch and the bed lurches downward. I get up to discover that the wheel on one corner of the bedframe along with the supporting material of the frame had all broken and ejected out from underneath the bed. Sigh. Just from sitting there.

Needless to say with all this going on I didn’t get to work on review stuff like I wanted to do this weekend. Hopefully that will change over the next couple of days because losing time just puts me further and further behind. It is also very discouraging and I don’t need any help being depressed these days. Can do that all of my own without any help!


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