Thursday, May 24, 2012

Centennial Class of 2012--SENIORS!!!

Scott was and always will be an original COMET and as such he has a star on the wall with his name on it.....

I used to be able to run up and down this hallway when Scott attended and when in later years I was privileged to sub at Centennial. It seemed to take forever yesterday ........

The celebration was held in the library......
and a small fraction of Scott's class as well as a half dozen teachers showed up. From other parents and a few kids we learned most of the kids graduated at the Winter Break and are already off at College. The picture below is of the kids that attended and a few of the Moms that were invited into the shot.

 Sandi worked the camera for all of these as I had my hands full just trying to move from one place to another. Wonderful to see some of the folks who worked with us and Scott from the very beginning to get us to this point in our lives. We tried to say thank you and express our appreciation but the full scope of how much of an impact certain folks had on things is impossible to explain or thank properly.


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