Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Colorado Wildfires, The Red Cross, and Authors

As many of us have seen the last few days, wildfires have exploded across the Western US and especially in Colorado. Much like the devastating fires in North Texas last year, these fires are completely out of control thanks to persistent drought conditions, high temperatures and winds. It is a nightmare for those living through it. Colorado has always been a very special place to me because many times as a child and a teen we went to Rocky Mountain National Park and elsewhere in Colorado during the summers.

While we can’t donate due to our own crisis situation, I can and will gladly post offers from folks seeking to raise funds to help those in their time of need. So, I gladly pass on the below posts with permission granted by the authors……

Terry Odell writes…….

It's unlikely that I'm in immediate danger from the Waldo Canyon Fire, although it's still a threat. However, resources are stretched to the limit, with over 30,000 people evacuated. I will donate 5% of any royalties from my book, DANGER IN DEER RIDGE, which is set in the Colorado mountains in a town very much like mine, and includes a hero who flies rescue operations for the local fire department.

You can purchase the book from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, All Romance eBooks, or Smashwords and I'll track sales and royalties between now and July 1st. (If you've already bought the book, you can give it as a gift; the sale will still be recorded). Links to buy are at the link below.

 Donations will go to the Red Cross.

Thanks for any and all support you can give these people who offer their lives to keep us safe, whether it's through buying my book or making your own personal donation.

Terry Odell

Peg Brantly writes….

Terry, what a wonderful idea. As a fellow Colorado author, I will add RED TIDE, set in a fictional town near Aspen to yours.

Like Terry, I will donate 5% of any royalties between now and July 1st to the Red Cross.

Peg Brantley


  1. Kevin, thanks so much for helping to spread the word.

    Terry's Place

  2. Absolutely. Glad to do it though I so wish it was not happening.

  3. Kevin - you and over 32,000 other people. Right now, we've got some thunderstorms, which can impact a fire in 3 ways, two of them negatively. We keep watching them change the evacuation notices.

    Terry's Place

  4. I truly hope they are not the dry lightening storms that I well know are very possible.

    I had somebody on late last night when I could not sleep who was talking about the collapsing storms sending out gust fronts and how that had powered up the fires in the area of the Air Force Academy.

  5. Very true - we had a few moments of brisk, cold winds, rain and hail. But not enough, and not where it was needed.

  6. It never is. When the storms formed here last summer, they would be dry ones in the fire zones igniting new fires while the ones with rain would be a half mile away and do it for five minutes.
