Monday, July 09, 2012

"By the Light Of the Moon" story sample

This morning I have been putting the finishing touches on the e-book collection project before I send it to a good friend who is willing to do the formatting for me. As I worked on it, I suddenly had the idea that I should put a small sample of my story “By the Light Of the Moon...” published in the 2008 anthology Carpathian Shadows--Volume 2 in the new e-book. I can’t insert very much, but a few paragraphs would give readers some idea what is my contribution to the book.  

From there it seemed a good idea to do the same sort of thing here. Available in e-book direct from the publisher at as well as online at your favorite retailer, the book is also available in print from me for $10.00.  Not only does that include postage and handling, I will gladly autograph it your request.

My story uses elements of science fiction, mystery and horror and a large dash of “Kevin weirdness” to give you…..

By the Light Of the Moon…

            "Is he here?"
            "Yes, Commander."
            "How is he?"
            What he was asking was whether or not the suspect had made it alive into his station. He should have but sometimes accidents happened in the field. The young officer stepped a little ways into the room. New to his job he was working hard to impress which is why the Commander had chosen him. Things had to be contained and he knew he could keep the man, more like a boy at twenty, in line.
            "Typical American." The young officer couldn't keep the scorn out of his voice, "Very emotional. Fits of screaming and crying when we placed the cuffs on him. He's sitting quietly in Interrogation 4 now."
            "Good. That will be all."
The young man saluted, swiveled in his black spit polished boots and strode confidently out of the office. The Commander sat back and smiled to himself while he listened to the pleasurable sound of the boots striking the floor fade away down the long hall. To be young again and so sure of righteousness, of purpose. Not that it really mattered as fate ordained everything. His die was cast long ago as was my own, he thought, and the idea depressed him as it had the last few months.
            He stood and stretched feeling his spine pop before he walked down the same hall. Unlike the young man before him who had turned right so that he could pass the front desk and go back out on patrol, the Commander turned left and with a few steps began to feel like the walls were closing in on him. The truth was they were as he journeyed deeper into the old section of the garrison. This part had been built into the mountain long ago and the Commander secretly suspected that there had to be a tunnel from here up to the castle far above. He suspected it but had never tried to find out because he knew that in such matters, a lack of knowledge was safer than knowing the truth....


  1. "By the Light of the Moon" is a gripping story, Kevin, and I know the others in your collection will be just as good. Good luck with this project!

  2. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I read Carpathian Shadows, and this was one of the best stories in it. Good luck Kevin! :)

  3. Thank you, Audrey. Appreciate it very much.
