Sunday, July 15, 2012

LEXICON and Other Thoughts

You know it is a bad sign when neighbors who have not seen you in awhile make the point of coming up the balcony stairs to ask if you are okay or need to go to the hospital. That happened to me yesterday morning while I sat on the porch and again this morning. It also happened last Wednesday afternoon when Karl and I got back from an errand to downtown Dallas. I was absolutely exhausted and in tremendous pain from making the drive down for him and spending hours there. When we finally got home I could barely get out of the car with Karl pulling on me. A neighbor who hadn't seen me in about two weeks took one look and came flying over to check on me.

I do appreciate all the concern, but it does wear on one to be told how bad one looks. I have mirrors and can see what I look like. No, it isn't good. It is what it is and that has caused another frustration as I simply can't do what I wanted to do.  LEXICON is this weekend up in Denton, Texas. I had hoped to be there. Sadly, it just is not physically possible for me. The last several weeks have seen a definite worsening of my health so I let Mitch Haynes know this morning I will not be able to attend.

Tuesday will mark one month since my disability hearing before the Administrative Law Judge. That means I have most likely at least two more months at a minimum before I receive my ruling. Hopefully it will be in my favor so that I can not only receive my benefits, but be placed in Medicare so I can see a doctor.

In the meantime, I hurt all the time and slowly get worse and I wait......


  1. 234 evocuppKevin, I've seen first hard how hard it is for you, but I know you WILL get through this. If not, I will kick your butt!

  2. I respectfully request you come up with a Plan B, Earl. Kicking me in the butt, no matter how much you would enjoy it and I know you would, will not help me at all.

