Monday, July 02, 2012

Obeying Batman

Growing up I always thought Batman was the best super hero. Cool car, very cool cave, and Bat Girl was not too shabby either. Robin was flat out annoying and needed a serious boot in the rear. Robin needed a beat down in the worst way.

But, I digress.

After yet another recent form letter rejection I have decided enough is enough. I am finally going to do the same thing so many others have in recent months. I am pulling together a collection of my stories, both published and unpublished, to be released as an e-book as soon as possible. Most of my stuff does not fit neatly into genre definitions and often contains elements from several different genres.  For example, my story "By The Light Of The Moon" published in the Carpathian Shadows Volume 2 anthology is a tale that has elements of science fiction, horror, and mystery. It is not a run of the mill Dracula type tale and because it didn't easily fit it almost didn't make the cut.

As to the upcoming collection, I have a title in mind and everything. My biggest challenge at this point is the need to find all of my old published stuff. That may require some things to be typed from the original print copy of various magazines. I will have to enlist Sandi and Scott into typing things for me just like they type all of my reviews now. Sitting up, let alone typing, is not remotely what I do best these days.

My best skill is holding the floor down in a submission position. Second best skill for Olympic Competition would be the Public Pratfall. I would win that gold medal hands down.I would probably take the Silver in Remote Control Surfing from the Prone Position.

Anyway, I don't know if the planned e-book will sell or not. But, it can't hurt to give it a shot.



  1. Will be looking forward to it. You have one customer right here.

  2. Thank you, Randy. I appreciate that very much.

  3. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I indie pubbed a book earlier this year. It has been a great experience. I sold more than I expected, but I realized it was a lot less about sales than about knowing my book is available to people who are interested. I felt I was honoring the story and the potential readers - not to mention myself and the time I put into writing.

    Best of luck & have fun!

