Wednesday, August 01, 2012

As some folks know, I took a tumble around 3:30 yesterday afternoon. This latest episode of unplanned testing of the strength of our floors shut me down for the day yesterday. So, I didn't know pleas to help us had gone out on my behalf on a couple of lists and on Facebook. I had no idea that folks were responding either.

All I can say is thank you. Thank you on behalf of all of us. Once again when things looked dire, you stepped in and saved us through your efforts. You have no idea how much it means to us and especially me. It is not just the money though the money is a wonderful thing. Don't get me wrong. But, it is more than just the money that allows us to stay here and keep a roof over our heads.

Writing in of itself is a lonely occupation. One sends a piece out and hope it sparks something in a reader. Whether it is a piece of fiction or a book review, all you can do is send it out there and hope somebody just might read it. You create the work in solitude with little show for it, in most cases, expect for pixels on a screen.

For me, it is even lonelier these days as I am confined to home. Since all this blew up for me back in March 2010, mobility has been a huge and growing issue. I didn’t think much about walking -- until I couldn’t. What I thought was going to be temporary has turned into something that is permanent. As things have gotten worse and worse, my world has closed down to my apartment. People who used to come by have either moved away or stopped coming by.

If it was not for this wonderful thing called the internet I wouldn’t have much social contact. I am grateful for it and for each and every one of you out there. Folks who don’t know from Adam and yet have written notes of encouragement over the past months, sent their hard earned monies to help us, and in general done everything possible to prop us up in some way.

“Thank you” does not begin to cover it.


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