Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Back home from the appointment. Nothing new and disturbing turned up so far.  Blood was drawn for testing. Tests are planned--some sort of calcium deal as well as a chemical stress test--in coming weeks. The calcium deal is first and that is next Tuesday afternoon.

So, nothing surprising so far.. Office EKG was the same as it always is so nothing new there. Blood pressure appears to be where it should be so the doctor is happy. Not happy with my weight gain, but understands I can't move so I can't do much about that issue. I'm just happy I managed to make it through without falling. Major victory there.

He will be signing the required paperwork so that I can get my handicapped parking plates/tag. That will be a huge help as things are still gradually getting worse mobility wise.

I will be pretty much wiped out for the rest of today....


  1. Sounds good if not great. Hope now they'll get something done for you besides a parking permit.

  2. Glad to hear the news is good so far.

  3. Yes, it was better than I expected.

  4. Glad nothing horrible was found.

    Morgan Mandel

  5. Thank you, Morgan. Me too. :)))

  6. Kevin so glad for all of your good news of late. Continuing to keep you all in my prayers. Our handitag & placards are something we couldn't do without & remember all too well how it was before we had them. Glad you are getting them!
