Sunday, September 02, 2012

Not Smart

In yet another case of fake reviews, author RJ Ellory has admitted to, and apologized for, faking reviews. The  story is at

The article references Jeremy Duns who is back on twitter after having his account locked over accusations of spamming. You can read more about that

I just don't get it. Whether you are paying for reviews or writing fake ones for your own books or for books by other folks, eventually it will all come out. The coverup is always worse than the crime, and yet, this stuff just keeps happening.


  1. I guess some people think they're different and won't get figured out, or that they're just smarter than everyone else and won't get tripped up. Maybe they feel everyone is doing it, so they should too. In any case, that doesn't make it right.

  2. I guess, Terry. At some point, one has to figure out it is not smart.
