Thursday, October 18, 2012

Cool Milestone

Earlier today Sandi had a major milestone. For the first time in over a year, Sandi had a haircut.  A little over six months ago she was completely bald thanks to the chemotherapy. When her hair came back, it was very different in every way possible. While it did come back everywhere on her head, it also grows much slower than it used to before the cancer treatment.

Because her hair was/is so different now, Sandi wanted somebody who was used to working with cancer patients. So she went to "Survivor Gals" in Plano. They did a great job working with her hair and we both like the results.

Sandi's next round of bloodwork and PET SCAN to make sure she is still in remission is now scheduled for  early December. 



  1. Congratulations to Sandi. I, too, went through the bald thing from my chemo four years ago. My hair eventually came back but it's a bit softer and curlier and most of the gray is gone. Go figure. I thought for sure it would come back pure white. Ha.

    Tell Sandi, from one survivor to another, keep on keeping on. :)

  2. Will do, Yvette.

    hers came back gray, curled and a different texture. Not softer. Just very different. She also has multiple swirl patterns in it across her head. Looks like crop circles to me.

    I told her that the aliens upgraded from Iowa farms and have gone mobile using "iHead" to get their message out to humans. :)))

    Shockingly, that was determined not to be that funny.
