Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Live on Smashwords---MIND SLICES

Finally, late this afternoon the e-book collection is now up on Smashwords. Tomorrow, with more  of Barry's help, I will tackle the Kindle deal on Amazon. For now, it is only on Smashwords, but it is a start.

Mind Slices: A Collection of New and Previously Published Stories, an Ebook by Kevin R. Tipple

Mind Slices: A Collection of New and Previously Published Stories features 16 short stories in a variety of genres. Some tales lean towards the science fiction side, some lean towards mystery, and most lean towards suspense. Most stories also contain more than one genre.


  1. Snatched this one right up. Hope you don't mind, but I added it to Goodreads.

  2. Thank you! On both counts as I have not even tried to get it listed anywhere just yet.
