Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sandi's Foot--Update

Sandi just got out of the doctor's office with no changes. Four more weeks of physical therapy and continued use of the heavy boot when she is not working. These things take time and being a diabetic means everything takes longer for her.



  1. Good news for Sandi. Glad she's doing well. As a diabetic who didn't take care of himself as well as he should have in my younger years, and am paying for it now, I know what she's going through.

    Good for her.

    Hate this word verification. This is my sixth try.

  2. Thanks, Randy. I have to pull myself together and go with her to rehab because they need to teach me a couple of things to help her.

    Sorry about the word verification hassle.

  3. You guys hang tough, as if you haven't for the last cuppla years.

    P.S. - That heavy boot will come in handy when she needs to keep you in line.

  4. Just got back from rehab with her. I am excused from having to do tendon message because since I am not a licensed and trained professional, it would be too dangerous for me to attempt it---according to her therapist.

    Tomorrow, I will see about brain surgery.
