Saturday, November 03, 2012

Medical Update--Sandi's Foot

Sandi's foot still has not improved at all. She continues physical therapy and use of the heavy boot when she is not working. These things take time and being a diabetic means everything takes longer for her.  The foot doctor recommended a shoe change so she now has $150 sneakers for work to see if that helps. Nobody has mentioned surgery yet, but the longer this drags on with no improvement at all, the more it seems it might be likely.

Her next appointment with the foot doctor is November 20 so hopefully that will mean she will be home for Thanksgiving this year and not in the hospital like last year. A year ago she was coming off knee surgery and about to get a terminal cancer diagnosis so, as she put it the other night, "I can so deal with this crap."



  1. Expensive shoes, but worth it if they work. Fingers crossed.

  2. Yep. I am not sure how they are supposed to work. Sandi has fallen arches and supposedly the new ones address that problem in some way. What we thought was a simple case of her twisting her ankle is, according to the physical therapist, some issue in the back of the leg in the tendon between her knee and her ankle.
