Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Sandi Update

At this point there is not a lot of new news to report. The post surgery infection seems to have cleared up and her pain levels seem to be a bit lower. She still hurts and gets flashes of intense stabbing pain in her right ribcage from time to time. We are told that will slowly go away over time as she heals from the last surgery to get the pathology samples.

The bigger issue remains the fact she is having cold chills, sweats and low grade fevers each and every night. As i write this, she is sitting up in a chair with five blankets wrapped around her and still shaking. This didn't happen before expect occasionally with the chemo. Now it is a  nightly event  and apparently this is due to the cancer that is doing its thing. Further proof, as if we needed it, that this cancer is different and worse.

We still don't have a date for the port surgery. The doctor that will be doing it is also going to be out of town later this month so that is an added scheduling complication. most likely it won't happen until at least sometime the week of March 4.

We do now have an appointment to see the bone marrow transplant doctor who will also be handling Sandi's chemotherapy. We see him next Monday and that is for a three hour appointment. What all will be done at that initial appointment we do not know. At least the ball will start rolling with that appointment.

So, the waiting continues......


  1. Thanks for the update. Keep your hearts up, I know you will, it will be okay.

  2. I'm keeping the two of you in my thoughts, heart and prayers. Keep us updated when you feel up to it and please know you are not alone.

  3. We are trying, Randy.

  4. Thank you, Helen. We do know that.
