Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chemo continues

as Sandi has now had the first two drugs of this particular chemo cocktail. Tomorrow she gets three different chemo drugs with one of them going a full 24 hours continuously. The only issues so far are that she is critically low in magnesium and potassium and her blood sugar is stroke level high. The potassium and magnesium is being addressed by drip IV. The blood sugar is being addressed by insulin and other meds to lower the levels.

The picture above was taken by Scott this afternoon while we visited.


  1. That is some SERIOUS chemo. I'm pulling for Sandi.

  2. Thanks, Bill. Hopefully things will continue to go smoothly. Just talked to her and the blood sugar, while still high, is down significantly. They have started another huge bag of magnesium and may start another potassium one on a couple of hours.

  3. Sandi's a real trooper because it's gotta be tough. Hang in there both of you!

  4. Trying, Terry. Sandi just let me know her blood sugar is back above 400 and that is obviously not good.
