Thursday, March 28, 2013

Amazon Buys Goodreads

In case you have not heard, Amazon has bought Goodreads. Having had issues at Shelfari after Amazon bought them which led to my closing my account, I am not thrilled at the news. And as one who has worked for small operations bought by giant competition, I know that what is promised at take over time is rarely in place later. Lots of good things are being promised in the announcement today.

Time will tell if it is true.

At this point, I am taking a wait and see approach. I am not one of those who is shocked/appalled/claiming the world is about to end folks. However, having recently had a review removed from MIND SLICES by Amazon with absolutely no meaningful information as to why and no recourse, I don't believe the argument put forth by some that this is going to help Amazon with their reviews problem. The same things that have been crictcized about some Goodreads reviews and reviewers happen on Amazon on a far larger scale.

I do agree with Chuck Wendig in his post today that opening fire on the Amazon monolith is easier than ever. I think some of that is self inflicted. I also think that there is a genuine fear that Amazon is slowly seizing control over every aspect of publishing. It does make one think.

Time will tell how this shakes out.


  1. I have tried using Goodreads in the past but have always given up in frustration: it's simply impossible for me to add every book I've ever read as well as a review of them. My blog does that for me, and I enjoy blogging away.

    Although seeing how the ruins of a Goodreads profile is one of the first things that show up when I Google myself, maybe I ought to take care of that. I didn't tally them up but I have a feeling I've read more than 13 books over the last two years...

  2. I'm just adding them as I go, Patrick. After what happened with Shalfari, I am not going back and adding all my reviews/books.

  3. I saw news of this purchase. I agree, it's too soon to tell exactly what will happen.

  4. I am reserving judgement. I am playing catchup in my e-mail this morning and it is clear that while I m in the middle ground waiting to see how this shakes out, people are already in the pro or con camps.
