Friday, March 22, 2013

Back Home--Finally

Blood work indicates everything is currently okay with Sandi. We got the normal reminders of what to watch for over the weekend and are scheduled to come do blood work and doctor visit on Tuesday.


  1. We just got back from Judy's biopsy. Have no idea when we'll get results. It's going off to an independent lab.

  2. I hope it is fast and you get answers quick, Bill. The not knowing has gone on way to long for both of you.

  3. Thank you, Randy. I expect by Tuesday the blood work will some of the impact of the chemo again. Just after dinner her vision started really acting up and that means it is several days quicker arriving this time than last time. How much of that was due to the exhaustion we both felt and how much was the chemo we don't know. I suspect the later was totally to blame.
