Thursday, April 04, 2013


Just got home as surprisingly Sandi did not need a blood transfusion. The things they were worried about have all improved slightly so no transfusion was deemed necessary today. She is taking a shower and going to bed as she is exhausted.

Monday is her next appointment with blood work. Once she is done with them, she will be sent over to the main hospital around noon or so to be admitted for the week.  This will be for the third round of chemotherapy and will take the week.


  1. Even a little good news helps sometimes.

  2. Yep. We were shocked. Also have no idea what we did differently this time that made this happen.

  3. So many people to worry about of late.

  4. I know. Today we saw a former coworker of mine who is also being treated by a different doctor at the same hospital for a very rare form of cancer. She told us a little bit about what she is going through and it is just heart breaking.

  5. Especially if unexpected, a little good news is great to hear. Prayers continue.

  6. Thanks, Terry. This was totally unexpected.
