Saturday, April 06, 2013

Review: "Double Vision" by F. T. Bradley

They say that each person has a double floating around on the world. Somebody that looks like him or her and may even act the same way. Nearly everyone who knows Lincoln, who goes by the nickname Linc, hopes and prays for his parents’ sake that this is not true. Twelve year old Linc has quite the reputation. Some of which he nearly deserves as he has caused a few issues over the years. At other times, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Both are at work in the latest fiasco during the recent field trip. Thanks to the incident and the use of social media by one of his classmates, agents Stark and Fullerton are now aware of Lincoln’s existence and his resemblance to a missing agent. They represent “Pandora” which is some sort of top secret special operation team connected to the United State government.

They have a missing kid agent by the name of Benjamin Green. Despite Linc’s lack of spy skills, lack of athletic skills and other issues, Linc closely resembles the missing agent.  After a quick crash course in training, they want Linc to assume the mission Benjamin was on in Paris, France where he went missing and deliver a certain package. If Linc will agree, Pandora in the form of agents Stark and Fullerton will clean up the mess he made during the recent field trip and deal with the financial fallout of those events. It doesn’t take long before Linc is on the ground in Paris and trying to be the missing agent with surprising results.

Aimed at readers ages 8-12 this is a fun read that is pure escapism. While the parents remain clueless about the real nature of Linc’s activities and location, readers are taken to the streets of Paris where culture and history await. Readers learn a bit about history and more as Linc and others in the team work the case in the streets of Paris. 

Double Vision is the start of a new series that, while it reminds one of the classic Hardy Boys and Encyclopedia Brown, clearly is firmly rooted in the 21st century with its use of technology. The use of technology does not get in the way of making the characters - and by extension the readers - think to work through the various clues to solve the case.

Short chapters with plenty of action keep the story moving forward while also providing plenty of material for all age groups to enjoy. Linc gets himself into predicaments that will make adults especially parents cringe and laugh at the same time while thoroughly entertaining to 8-12 year old set. This solidly good book has something for both boys and girls with solidly strong writing and plot development. A short book that parents don’t have to worry about anything inappropriate makes Double Vision a win for ages 8 and up.

F. T. Bradley
October 2012
256 Pages

Material supplied quite some time ago by the author in exchange for my objective review.

Kevin R. Tipple ©2013


  1. Thank you so much for this great review, Kevin! It means a lot--I hope some new readers get to discover the book.

    As always, best to you and Sandi during this difficult time.

  2. Thank you for a good book, F.T. Easy to say positive things when the book is a good one.

    And thank you on the other. This tunnel is a long one and so far we don't see any light.
