Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Round Three--Day Two

Sandi is doing okay so far. She had one chemo drug last night and when that was finished early this morning, they started the blood transfusion. She says she got three units which is a heck of a lot.  Once that was finished she had to wait several hours and then they did the lumbar puncture deal and injected chemo directly into her spinal column. That meant she had 24 hours where she had to lie on her back or side and could not get out of bed.

Pet scan results are in and the cancer is in retreat. The two highest heat spots are at her heart and right hip, with a few other of lesser intensity scattered around. Apparently the cancer is breaking up and supposedly this is normal with the kind of chemo she is getting.

I'm absolutely exhausted and in incredible pain tonight from my back and left leg. Both hands are tingling pretty good as I write this so I won't be fooling with trying to catchup on e-mail tonight. It doesn't help that severe weather is supposed to roll in after midnight as I need all the sleep I can possible get. Hopefully it will weaken as it rolls in and all we will get is some much needed rain without hail and worse. I just can't deal with anything else. I am overwhelmed with everything.

More tomorrow.....


  1. I'm guessing that the breaking up of the cancer is the good news about all this. I hope that continues.

  2. Apparently, unlike last time when they judged things by shrinking, they are looking for the cancer to break up. So, since it did that, and there is less total mass at this point, this is good news.

    I don't understand any of this. I just want it gone.
