Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sandi and Mayo

She seems to be doing okay. They are now accelerating her schedule and hopefully it won't be too much too fast. She has a PET SCAN tomorrow morning, followed by blood work, some shots, some sort of pulmonary study, more blood work, and an injection of some type and a couple of other things. The last thing is supposed to be done around 4:30 tomorrow afternoon.

Then Saturday she starts a daily deal of blood work and injections and some infusion of chemo and something else. Apparently the week off she was supposed to have is now out the window and they are doing all the things they need to do as rapidly as possible so they can harvest stem cells.

The picture to the left she posted on Facebook today and it is of the sign for the "Davis Building." This is where her new cancer doctor is along with the various support services for cancer patients. She will be spending the majority of her time there.

By the way, if you are looking for her on Facebook she is listed as Sandi Tipple and she is the one in Plano, Texas. There are an amazing number of people with the name Sandi Tipple on Facebook.

We also learned late this afternoon that despite the fact that Wal-Mart is supposed to be covering her room charges--at no charge to us at all--the hotel is charging us deposit fees to cover themselves if Wal-Mart does not pay or she damages the room. $200 we thought we had has now been removed from our bank account as they took it for deposit. Done without any notice and so very uncool.

The picture below shows her kitchen and eating area at "The Inn at Mayo Clinic."
I don't think those chairs would hold me. More from her as I find out.....


  1. Sort of cold and un-soft looking. Is there a sofa? If she gets to feeling crummy, will they see that she gets to where she needs to be. (God. I go spacey on medical days unless I have company, even if it's one simple appointment; I simply can't imagine surviving what Sandi is having to do.)

  2. The sofa is off to the right out of frame. Sandi put some more pictures up on Facebook and they all seem to have that cold look. She says it is okay.

    They are supposed to make sure she gets everywhere she has to be. Tomorrow she has another injection and then the schedule picks up again on Monday.

    I wish I was there. More accurately, I wish they had let her stay here and do all this, but, they absolutely refused.
