Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sandi Update

I have talked to her very briefly and she feels very sick tonight. They did a five hour harvest procedure today where they attached some sort of pump machine to the new three line deal in her chest and cycled her blood through it.

This new three line deal is hurting her a lot and she has weeks more of this thing in her chest. Unfortunately, this new one was put right where the previous port she had a year ago that caused her so much pain was located. If you look closely, you can see some of the scar tissue where the old one was a year ago.

They attach this pump machine,  which she says looks a lot like some sort of dialysis machine, to these three lines and run the blood and saline fluid through it and her. Somehow this pulls out the stem cells. This also works totally different than what I had understood would be done here when the time came. This was how she spent her morning today from around six to almost noon when it was all said and done. Then they had her come back late this afternoon for another injection.

The plan is for them to do this again tomorrow and hopefully that will be enough stem cells. She would have another injection of some type tomorrow afternoon. If they don't have enough to work with at that point she would have to do this again on Thursday.Obviously she does not want that.

After that I am not sure what her schedule will be the next couple of days as she doesn't really know either. It keeps changing based on what her body is doing at a given point. Theoretically she is still on schedule to be admitted Monday morning for the three week quarantine period and receiving her modified stem cells.

Right now she does not care about all that. She just wants to avoid throwing up tonight.