Saturday, May 04, 2013

Amazon Annoyance

I have received another form letter from Amazon announcing that they are removing a review from Mind Slices for the unspecified and vague reason it did not meet their guidelines. According to their vague form letter with links to all sorts of not relevant stuff, I am welcome to complain and they will take another look. I did so a few days ago with zero response. The silence back is deafening.

I didn't think they would fix it as they pulled this same thing awhile back. I complained and got a worthless form letter that told me nothing. I replied, complained, and demanded specifics. Of course, they refused and though we went back and forth five times, I never did find out anything meaningful.

So, if you have reviewed Mind Slices please check at the sites where you posted your review and make sure it is still active and in place. Whether your review was positive or negative, one star or five stars, I don't care. Just please check where you commented and make sure the review is still in place and has not been deleted because some idiot computer program removed it.

With so many readers as well as number of authors believing the number of reviews means more about a book than anything else, it is important that reviews don't get removed because of nonsense like this.

Thank you.


  1. My review is still there. If it disappears, I could always repost it.
