Friday, June 07, 2013

Sandi Tonight

Sandi had a long afternoon of doctor stuff, but, the news is really good. The main thing is the fact the blood clot is gone. She had an ultrasound to make sure and it is gone. She will need to be on the cumidin awhile longer, but, the clolt is dissolved and the danger has passed.

They did have to give some magnesium today because she was a little low so they put a bag into her. She was borderline needing it and since they are sending her home to Texas on Monday they felt they should go ahead and give her one for the flight.

Yes, you read that right! Sandi is coming home Monday on a direct flight from Jacksonville to Dallas Fort Worth Airport. If everything runs on time she should be here by late afternoon Monday.

She is coming home to quarantine here and will not be able to see anyone or go anywhere excect for the doctor's office at the hospital. Her first appointment with her cancer doctor at Medical City Dallas is for the afternoon of the 19th. They will do blood work on her, check a few other things, and then lay out how the followup care here is going to work. All we know at this point is that in about 70 days she will need to be back at Mayo for a week of tests and doctor visits.

She is finally coming home. I can hardly believe it.


  1. Excellent news all around.

  2. That it is. I worry they are rushing things, but, she says that they say they are not becuase she has tolerated all of this so well.

  3. Yep....been a long time coming. :)
